#if UNITY_EDITOR using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEditor.Networking.PlayerConnection; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Users; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; ////FIXME: Generate proper IDs for the individual tree view items; the current sequential numbering scheme just causes lots of //// weird expansion/collapsing to happen. ////TODO: add way to load and replay event traces ////TODO: refresh metrics on demand ////TODO: when an action is triggered and when a device changes state, make them bold in the list for a brief moment ////TODO: show input users and their actions and devices ////TODO: append " (Disabled) to disabled devices and grey them out ////TODO: split 'Local' and 'Remote' at root rather than inside subnodes ////TODO: refresh when unrecognized device pops up namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor { // Allows looking at input activity in the editor. internal class InputDebuggerWindow : EditorWindow, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { private static int s_Disabled; private static InputDebuggerWindow s_Instance; [MenuItem("Window/Analysis/Input Debugger", false, 2100)] public static void CreateOrShow() { if (s_Instance == null) { s_Instance = GetWindow(); s_Instance.Show(); s_Instance.titleContent = new GUIContent("Input Debug"); } else { s_Instance.Show(); s_Instance.Focus(); } } public static void Enable() { if (s_Disabled == 0) return; --s_Disabled; if (s_Disabled == 0 && s_Instance != null) { s_Instance.InstallHooks(); s_Instance.Refresh(); } } public static void Disable() { ++s_Disabled; if (s_Disabled == 1 && s_Instance != null) { s_Instance.UninstallHooks(); s_Instance.Refresh(); } } private void OnDeviceChange(InputDevice device, InputDeviceChange change) { // Update tree if devices are added or removed. if (change == InputDeviceChange.Added || change == InputDeviceChange.Removed) Refresh(); } private void OnLayoutChange(string name, InputControlLayoutChange change) { // Update tree if layout setup has changed. Refresh(); } private void OnActionChange(object actionOrMap, InputActionChange change) { switch (change) { // When an action is triggered, we only need a repaint. case InputActionChange.ActionStarted: case InputActionChange.ActionPerformed: case InputActionChange.ActionCanceled: Repaint(); break; case InputActionChange.ActionEnabled: case InputActionChange.ActionDisabled: case InputActionChange.ActionMapDisabled: case InputActionChange.ActionMapEnabled: case InputActionChange.BoundControlsChanged: Refresh(); break; } } private void OnSettingsChange() { Refresh(); } private string OnFindLayout(ref InputDeviceDescription description, string matchedLayout, InputDeviceExecuteCommandDelegate executeCommandDelegate) { // If there's no matched layout, there's a chance this device will go in // the unsupported list. There's no direct notification for that so we // preemptively trigger a refresh. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchedLayout)) Refresh(); return null; } private void Refresh() { m_NeedReload = true; Repaint(); } public void OnDestroy() { UninstallHooks(); } private void InstallHooks() { InputSystem.onDeviceChange += OnDeviceChange; InputSystem.onLayoutChange += OnLayoutChange; InputSystem.onFindLayoutForDevice += OnFindLayout; InputSystem.onActionChange += OnActionChange; InputSystem.onSettingsChange += OnSettingsChange; } private void UninstallHooks() { InputSystem.onDeviceChange -= OnDeviceChange; InputSystem.onLayoutChange -= OnLayoutChange; InputSystem.onFindLayoutForDevice -= OnFindLayout; InputSystem.onActionChange -= OnActionChange; InputSystem.onSettingsChange -= OnSettingsChange; } private void Initialize() { InstallHooks(); var newTreeViewState = m_TreeViewState == null; if (newTreeViewState) m_TreeViewState = new TreeViewState(); m_TreeView = new InputSystemTreeView(m_TreeViewState); // Set default expansion states. if (newTreeViewState) m_TreeView.SetExpanded(m_TreeView.devicesItem.id, true); m_Initialized = true; } public void OnGUI() { if (s_Disabled > 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Disabled"); return; } // If the new backends aren't enabled, show a warning in the debugger. if (!EditorPlayerSettingHelpers.newSystemBackendsEnabled) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Platform backends for the new input system are not enabled. " + "No devices and input from hardware will come through in the new input system APIs.\n\n" + "To enable the backends, set 'Active Input Handling' in the player settings to either 'Input System (Preview)' " + "or 'Both' and restart the editor.", MessageType.Warning); } // This also brings us back online after a domain reload. if (!m_Initialized) { Initialize(); } else if (m_NeedReload) { m_TreeView.Reload(); m_NeedReload = false; } DrawToolbarGUI(); var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); m_TreeView.OnGUI(rect); } private static void ResetDevice(InputDevice device, bool hard) { var playerUpdateType = InputDeviceDebuggerWindow.DetermineUpdateTypeToShow(device); var currentUpdateType = InputState.currentUpdateType; InputStateBuffers.SwitchTo(InputSystem.s_Manager.m_StateBuffers, playerUpdateType); InputSystem.ResetDevice(device, alsoResetDontResetControls: hard); InputStateBuffers.SwitchTo(InputSystem.s_Manager.m_StateBuffers, currentUpdateType); } private static void ToggleAddDevicesNotSupportedByProject() { InputEditorUserSettings.addDevicesNotSupportedByProject = !InputEditorUserSettings.addDevicesNotSupportedByProject; } private void ToggleDiagnosticMode() { if (InputSystem.s_Manager.m_Diagnostics != null) { InputSystem.s_Manager.m_Diagnostics = null; } else { if (m_Diagnostics == null) m_Diagnostics = new InputDiagnostics(); InputSystem.s_Manager.m_Diagnostics = m_Diagnostics; } } private static void ToggleTouchSimulation() { InputEditorUserSettings.simulateTouch = !InputEditorUserSettings.simulateTouch; } private static void EnableRemoteDevices(bool enable = true) { foreach (var player in EditorConnection.instance.ConnectedPlayers) { EditorConnection.instance.Send(enable ? RemoteInputPlayerConnection.kStartSendingMsg : RemoteInputPlayerConnection.kStopSendingMsg, new byte[0], player.playerId); if (!enable) InputSystem.remoting.RemoveRemoteDevices(player.playerId); } } private static void DrawConnectionGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button("Remote Devices…", EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); var haveRemotes = InputSystem.devices.Any(x => x.remote); if (EditorConnection.instance.ConnectedPlayers.Count > 0) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Show remote devices"), haveRemotes, () => { EnableRemoteDevices(!haveRemotes); }); else menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Show remote input devices")); menu.AddSeparator(""); var availableProfilers = ProfilerDriver.GetAvailableProfilers(); foreach (var profiler in availableProfilers) { var enabled = ProfilerDriver.IsIdentifierConnectable(profiler); var profilerName = ProfilerDriver.GetConnectionIdentifier(profiler); var isConnected = ProfilerDriver.connectedProfiler == profiler; if (enabled) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(profilerName), isConnected, () => { ProfilerDriver.connectedProfiler = profiler; EnableRemoteDevices(); }); else menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(profilerName)); } foreach (var device in UnityEditor.Hardware.DevDeviceList.GetDevices()) { var supportsPlayerConnection = (device.features & UnityEditor.Hardware.DevDeviceFeatures.PlayerConnection) != 0; if (!device.isConnected || !supportsPlayerConnection) continue; var url = "device://" + device.id; var isConnected = ProfilerDriver.connectedProfiler == 0xFEEE && ProfilerDriver.directConnectionUrl == url; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(device.name), isConnected, () => { ProfilerDriver.DirectURLConnect(url); EnableRemoteDevices(); }); } menu.ShowAsContext(); } } private void DrawToolbarGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.toolbar); if (GUILayout.Button(Contents.optionsContent, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(Contents.addDevicesNotSupportedByProjectContent, InputEditorUserSettings.addDevicesNotSupportedByProject, ToggleAddDevicesNotSupportedByProject); menu.AddItem(Contents.diagnosticsModeContent, InputSystem.s_Manager.m_Diagnostics != null, ToggleDiagnosticMode); menu.AddItem(Contents.touchSimulationContent, InputEditorUserSettings.simulateTouch, ToggleTouchSimulation); // Add the inverse of "Copy Device Description" which adds a device with the description from // the clipboard to the system. This is most useful for debugging and makes it very easy to // have a first pass at device descriptions supplied by users. try { var copyBuffer = EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyBuffer) && copyBuffer.StartsWith("{") && !InputDeviceDescription.FromJson(copyBuffer).empty) { menu.AddItem(Contents.pasteDeviceDescriptionAsDevice, false, () => { var description = InputDeviceDescription.FromJson(copyBuffer); InputSystem.AddDevice(description); }); } } catch (ArgumentException) { // Catch and ignore exception if buffer doesn't actually contain an InputDeviceDescription // in (proper) JSON format. } menu.ShowAsContext(); } DrawConnectionGUI(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } [SerializeField] private TreeViewState m_TreeViewState; [NonSerialized] private InputDiagnostics m_Diagnostics; [NonSerialized] private InputSystemTreeView m_TreeView; [NonSerialized] private bool m_Initialized; [NonSerialized] private bool m_NeedReload; internal static void ReviveAfterDomainReload() { if (s_Instance != null) { // Trigger initial repaint. Will call Initialize() to install hooks and // refresh tree. s_Instance.Repaint(); } } private static class Contents { public static readonly GUIContent optionsContent = new GUIContent("Options"); public static readonly GUIContent touchSimulationContent = new GUIContent("Simulate Touch Input From Mouse or Pen"); public static readonly GUIContent pasteDeviceDescriptionAsDevice = new GUIContent("Paste Device Description as Device"); public static readonly GUIContent addDevicesNotSupportedByProjectContent = new GUIContent("Add Devices Not Listed in 'Supported Devices'"); public static readonly GUIContent diagnosticsModeContent = new GUIContent("Enable Event Diagnostics"); public static readonly GUIContent openDebugView = new GUIContent("Open Device Debug View"); public static readonly GUIContent copyDeviceDescription = new GUIContent("Copy Device Description"); public static readonly GUIContent copyLayoutAsJSON = new GUIContent("Copy Layout as JSON"); public static readonly GUIContent createDeviceFromLayout = new GUIContent("Create Device from Layout"); public static readonly GUIContent generateCodeFromLayout = new GUIContent("Generate Precompiled Layout"); public static readonly GUIContent removeDevice = new GUIContent("Remove Device"); public static readonly GUIContent enableDevice = new GUIContent("Enable Device"); public static readonly GUIContent disableDevice = new GUIContent("Disable Device"); public static readonly GUIContent syncDevice = new GUIContent("Try to Sync Device"); public static readonly GUIContent softResetDevice = new GUIContent("Reset Device (Soft)"); public static readonly GUIContent hardResetDevice = new GUIContent("Reset Device (Hard)"); } void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { } void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize() { s_Instance = this; } private class InputSystemTreeView : TreeView { public TreeViewItem actionsItem { get; private set; } public TreeViewItem devicesItem { get; private set; } public TreeViewItem layoutsItem { get; private set; } public TreeViewItem settingsItem { get; private set; } public TreeViewItem metricsItem { get; private set; } public TreeViewItem usersItem { get; private set; } public InputSystemTreeView(TreeViewState state) : base(state) { Reload(); } protected override void ContextClickedItem(int id) { var item = FindItem(id, rootItem); if (item == null) return; if (item is DeviceItem deviceItem) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(Contents.openDebugView, false, () => InputDeviceDebuggerWindow.CreateOrShowExisting(deviceItem.device)); menu.AddItem(Contents.copyDeviceDescription, false, () => EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = deviceItem.device.description.ToJson()); menu.AddItem(Contents.removeDevice, false, () => InputSystem.RemoveDevice(deviceItem.device)); if (deviceItem.device.enabled) menu.AddItem(Contents.disableDevice, false, () => InputSystem.DisableDevice(deviceItem.device)); else menu.AddItem(Contents.enableDevice, false, () => InputSystem.EnableDevice(deviceItem.device)); menu.AddItem(Contents.syncDevice, false, () => InputSystem.TrySyncDevice(deviceItem.device)); menu.AddItem(Contents.softResetDevice, false, () => ResetDevice(deviceItem.device, false)); menu.AddItem(Contents.hardResetDevice, false, () => ResetDevice(deviceItem.device, true)); menu.ShowAsContext(); } if (item is UnsupportedDeviceItem unsupportedDeviceItem) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(Contents.copyDeviceDescription, false, () => EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = unsupportedDeviceItem.description.ToJson()); menu.ShowAsContext(); } if (item is LayoutItem layoutItem) { var layout = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.TryGetLayout(layoutItem.layoutName); if (layout != null) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(Contents.copyLayoutAsJSON, false, () => EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = layout.ToJson()); if (layout.isDeviceLayout) { menu.AddItem(Contents.createDeviceFromLayout, false, () => InputSystem.AddDevice(layout.name)); menu.AddItem(Contents.generateCodeFromLayout, false, () => { var fileName = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Generate InputDevice Code", "", "Fast" + layoutItem.layoutName, "cs"); var isInAssets = fileName.StartsWith(Application.dataPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (isInAssets) fileName = "Assets/" + fileName.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length + 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { var code = InputLayoutCodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFileForDeviceLayout(layoutItem.layoutName, fileName, prefix: "Fast"); File.WriteAllText(fileName, code); if (isInAssets) AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }); } menu.ShowAsContext(); } } } protected override void DoubleClickedItem(int id) { var item = FindItem(id, rootItem); if (item is DeviceItem deviceItem) InputDeviceDebuggerWindow.CreateOrShowExisting(deviceItem.device); } protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot() { var id = 0; var root = new TreeViewItem { id = id++, depth = -1 }; ////TODO: this will need to be improved for multi-user scenarios // Actions. m_EnabledActions.Clear(); InputSystem.ListEnabledActions(m_EnabledActions); if (m_EnabledActions.Count > 0) { actionsItem = AddChild(root, "", ref id); AddEnabledActions(actionsItem, ref id); if (!actionsItem.hasChildren) { // We are culling actions that are assigned to users so we may end up with an empty // list even if we have enabled actions. If we do, remove the "Actions" item from the tree. root.children.Remove(actionsItem); } else { // Update title to include action count. actionsItem.displayName = $"Actions ({actionsItem.children.Count})"; } } // Users. var userCount = InputUser.all.Count; if (userCount > 0) { usersItem = AddChild(root, $"Users ({userCount})", ref id); foreach (var user in InputUser.all) AddUser(usersItem, user, ref id); } // Devices. var devices = InputSystem.devices; devicesItem = AddChild(root, $"Devices ({devices.Count})", ref id); var haveRemotes = devices.Any(x => x.remote); TreeViewItem localDevicesNode = null; if (haveRemotes) { // Split local and remote devices into groups. localDevicesNode = AddChild(devicesItem, "Local", ref id); AddDevices(localDevicesNode, devices, ref id); var remoteDevicesNode = AddChild(devicesItem, "Remote", ref id); foreach (var player in EditorConnection.instance.ConnectedPlayers) { var playerNode = AddChild(remoteDevicesNode, player.name, ref id); AddDevices(playerNode, devices, ref id, player.playerId); } } else { // We don't have remote devices so don't add an extra group for local devices. // Put them all directly underneath the "Devices" node. AddDevices(devicesItem, devices, ref id); } ////TDO: unsupported and disconnected devices should also be shown for remotes if (m_UnsupportedDevices == null) m_UnsupportedDevices = new List(); m_UnsupportedDevices.Clear(); InputSystem.GetUnsupportedDevices(m_UnsupportedDevices); if (m_UnsupportedDevices.Count > 0) { var parent = haveRemotes ? localDevicesNode : devicesItem; var unsupportedDevicesNode = AddChild(parent, $"Unsupported ({m_UnsupportedDevices.Count})", ref id); foreach (var device in m_UnsupportedDevices) { var item = new UnsupportedDeviceItem { id = id++, depth = unsupportedDevicesNode.depth + 1, displayName = device.ToString(), description = device }; unsupportedDevicesNode.AddChild(item); } unsupportedDevicesNode.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)); } var disconnectedDevices = InputSystem.disconnectedDevices; if (disconnectedDevices.Count > 0) { var parent = haveRemotes ? localDevicesNode : devicesItem; var disconnectedDevicesNode = AddChild(parent, $"Disconnected ({disconnectedDevices.Count})", ref id); foreach (var device in disconnectedDevices) AddChild(disconnectedDevicesNode, device.ToString(), ref id); disconnectedDevicesNode.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)); } // Layouts. layoutsItem = AddChild(root, "Layouts", ref id); AddControlLayouts(layoutsItem, ref id); ////FIXME: this shows local configuration only // Settings. var settings = InputSystem.settings; var settingsAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(settings); var settingsLabel = "Settings"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsAssetPath)) settingsLabel = $"Settings ({Path.GetFileName(settingsAssetPath)})"; settingsItem = AddChild(root, settingsLabel, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Update Mode", settings.updateMode, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Compensate For Screen Orientation", settings.compensateForScreenOrientation, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Button Press Point", settings.defaultButtonPressPoint, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Deadzone Min", settings.defaultDeadzoneMin, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Deadzone Max", settings.defaultDeadzoneMax, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Tap Time", settings.defaultTapTime, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Slow Tap Time", settings.defaultSlowTapTime, ref id); AddValueItem(settingsItem, "Default Hold Time", settings.defaultHoldTime, ref id); if (settings.supportedDevices.Count > 0) { var supportedDevices = AddChild(settingsItem, "Supported Devices", ref id); foreach (var item in settings.supportedDevices) { var icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(item); AddChild(supportedDevices, item, ref id, icon); } } settingsItem.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); // Metrics. var metrics = InputSystem.metrics; metricsItem = AddChild(root, "Metrics", ref id); AddChild(metricsItem, "Current State Size in Bytes: " + StringHelpers.NicifyMemorySize(metrics.currentStateSizeInBytes), ref id); AddValueItem(metricsItem, "Current Control Count", metrics.currentControlCount, ref id); AddValueItem(metricsItem, "Current Layout Count", metrics.currentLayoutCount, ref id); return root; } private void AddUser(TreeViewItem parent, InputUser user, ref int id) { ////REVIEW: can we get better identification? allow associating GameObject with user? var userItem = AddChild(parent, "User #" + user.index, ref id); // Control scheme. var controlScheme = user.controlScheme; if (controlScheme != null) AddChild(userItem, "Control Scheme: " + controlScheme, ref id); // Paired and lost devices. AddDeviceListToUser("Paired Devices", user.pairedDevices, ref id, userItem); AddDeviceListToUser("Lost Devices", user.lostDevices, ref id, userItem); // Actions. var actions = user.actions; if (actions != null) { var actionsItem = AddChild(userItem, "Actions", ref id); foreach (var action in actions) AddActionItem(actionsItem, action, ref id); parent.children?.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); } } private void AddDeviceListToUser(string title, ReadOnlyArray devices, ref int id, TreeViewItem userItem) { if (devices.Count == 0) return; var devicesItem = AddChild(userItem, title, ref id); foreach (var device in devices) { Debug.Assert(device != null, title + " has a null item!"); if (device == null) continue; var item = new DeviceItem { id = id++, depth = devicesItem.depth + 1, displayName = device.ToString(), device = device, icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(device.layout), }; devicesItem.AddChild(item); } } private static void AddDevices(TreeViewItem parent, IEnumerable devices, ref int id, int participantId = InputDevice.kLocalParticipantId) { foreach (var device in devices) { if (device.m_ParticipantId != participantId) continue; var displayName = device.name; if (device.usages.Count > 0) displayName += " (" + string.Join(",", device.usages) + ")"; var item = new DeviceItem { id = id++, depth = parent.depth + 1, displayName = displayName, device = device, icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(device.layout), }; parent.AddChild(item); } parent.children?.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); } private void AddControlLayouts(TreeViewItem parent, ref int id) { // Split root into three different groups: // 1) Control layouts // 2) Device layouts that don't match specific products // 3) Device layouts that match specific products var controls = AddChild(parent, "Controls", ref id); var devices = AddChild(parent, "Abstract Devices", ref id); var products = AddChild(parent, "Specific Devices", ref id); foreach (var layout in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allControlLayouts) AddControlLayoutItem(layout, controls, ref id); foreach (var layout in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allDeviceLayouts) AddControlLayoutItem(layout, devices, ref id); foreach (var layout in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.allProductLayouts) { var rootBaseLayoutName = InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.GetRootLayoutName(layout.name).ToString(); var groupName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootBaseLayoutName) ? "Other" : rootBaseLayoutName + "s"; var group = products.children?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.displayName == groupName); if (group == null) { group = AddChild(products, groupName, ref id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootBaseLayoutName)) group.icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(rootBaseLayoutName); } AddControlLayoutItem(layout, group, ref id); } controls.children?.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); devices.children?.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); if (products.children != null) { products.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); foreach (var productGroup in products.children) productGroup.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); } } private TreeViewItem AddControlLayoutItem(InputControlLayout layout, TreeViewItem parent, ref int id) { var item = new LayoutItem { parent = parent, depth = parent.depth + 1, id = id++, displayName = layout.displayName ?? layout.name, layoutName = layout.name, }; item.icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(layout.name); parent.AddChild(item); // Header. AddChild(item, "Type: " + layout.type?.Name, ref id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layout.m_DisplayName)) AddChild(item, "Display Name: " + layout.m_DisplayName, ref id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layout.name)) AddChild(item, "Name: " + layout.name, ref id); var baseLayouts = StringHelpers.Join(layout.baseLayouts, ", "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseLayouts)) AddChild(item, "Extends: " + baseLayouts, ref id); if (layout.stateFormat != 0) AddChild(item, "Format: " + layout.stateFormat, ref id); if (layout.m_UpdateBeforeRender != null) { var value = layout.m_UpdateBeforeRender.Value ? "Update" : "Disabled"; AddChild(item, "Before Render: " + value, ref id); } if (layout.commonUsages.Count > 0) { AddChild(item, "Common Usages: " + string.Join(", ", layout.commonUsages.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), ref id); } if (layout.appliedOverrides.Count() > 0) { AddChild(item, "Applied Overrides: " + string.Join(", ", layout.appliedOverrides), ref id); } ////TODO: find a more elegant solution than multiple "Matching Devices" parents when having multiple //// matchers // Device matchers. foreach (var matcher in EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetDeviceMatchers(layout.name)) { var node = AddChild(item, "Matching Devices", ref id); foreach (var pattern in matcher.patterns) AddChild(node, $"{pattern.Key} => \"{pattern.Value}\"", ref id); } // Controls. if (layout.controls.Count > 0) { var controls = AddChild(item, "Controls", ref id); foreach (var control in layout.controls) AddControlItem(control, controls, ref id); controls.children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); } return item; } private void AddControlItem(InputControlLayout.ControlItem control, TreeViewItem parent, ref int id) { var item = AddChild(parent, control.variants.IsEmpty() ? control.name : string.Format("{0} ({1})", control.name, control.variants), ref id); if (!control.layout.IsEmpty()) item.icon = EditorInputControlLayoutCache.GetIconForLayout(control.layout); ////TODO: fully merge TreeViewItems from isModifyingExistingControl control layouts into the control they modify ////TODO: allow clicking this field to jump to the layout if (!control.layout.IsEmpty()) AddChild(item, $"Layout: {control.layout}", ref id); if (!control.variants.IsEmpty()) AddChild(item, $"Variant: {control.variants}", ref id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.displayName)) AddChild(item, $"Display Name: {control.displayName}", ref id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.shortDisplayName)) AddChild(item, $"Short Display Name: {control.shortDisplayName}", ref id); if (control.format != 0) AddChild(item, $"Format: {control.format}", ref id); if (control.offset != InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset) AddChild(item, $"Offset: {control.offset}", ref id); if (control.bit != InputStateBlock.InvalidOffset) AddChild(item, $"Bit: {control.bit}", ref id); if (control.sizeInBits != 0) AddChild(item, $"Size In Bits: {control.sizeInBits}", ref id); if (control.isArray) AddChild(item, $"Array Size: {control.arraySize}", ref id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.useStateFrom)) AddChild(item, $"Use State From: {control.useStateFrom}", ref id); if (!control.defaultState.isEmpty) AddChild(item, $"Default State: {control.defaultState.ToString()}", ref id); if (!control.minValue.isEmpty) AddChild(item, $"Min Value: {control.minValue.ToString()}", ref id); if (!control.maxValue.isEmpty) AddChild(item, $"Max Value: {control.maxValue.ToString()}", ref id); if (control.usages.Count > 0) AddChild(item, "Usages: " + string.Join(", ", control.usages.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), ref id); if (control.aliases.Count > 0) AddChild(item, "Aliases: " + string.Join(", ", control.aliases.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()), ref id); if (control.isNoisy || control.isSynthetic) { var flags = "Flags: "; if (control.isNoisy) flags += "Noisy"; if (control.isSynthetic) { if (control.isNoisy) flags += ", Synthetic"; else flags += "Synthetic"; } AddChild(item, flags, ref id); } if (control.parameters.Count > 0) { var parameters = AddChild(item, "Parameters", ref id); foreach (var parameter in control.parameters) AddChild(parameters, parameter.ToString(), ref id); } if (control.processors.Count > 0) { var processors = AddChild(item, "Processors", ref id); foreach (var processor in control.processors) { var processorItem = AddChild(processors, processor.name, ref id); foreach (var parameter in processor.parameters) AddChild(processorItem, parameter.ToString(), ref id); } } } private void AddValueItem(TreeViewItem parent, string name, TValue value, ref int id) { var item = new ConfigurationItem { id = id++, depth = parent.depth + 1, displayName = $"{name}: {value.ToString()}", name = name }; parent.AddChild(item); } private void AddEnabledActions(TreeViewItem parent, ref int id) { foreach (var action in m_EnabledActions) { // If we have users, find out if the action is owned by a user. If so, don't display // it separately. var isOwnedByUser = false; foreach (var user in InputUser.all) { var userActions = user.actions; if (userActions != null && userActions.Contains(action)) { isOwnedByUser = true; break; } } if (!isOwnedByUser) AddActionItem(parent, action, ref id); } parent.children?.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); } private unsafe void AddActionItem(TreeViewItem parent, InputAction action, ref int id) { // Add item for action. var name = action.actionMap != null ? $"{action.actionMap.name}/{action.name}" : action.name; if (!action.enabled) name += " (Disabled)"; var item = AddChild(parent, name, ref id); // Grab state. var actionMap = action.GetOrCreateActionMap(); actionMap.ResolveBindingsIfNecessary(); var state = actionMap.m_State; // Add list of resolved controls. var actionIndex = action.m_ActionIndexInState; var totalBindingCount = state.totalBindingCount; for (var i = 0; i < totalBindingCount; ++i) { ref var bindingState = ref state.bindingStates[i]; if (bindingState.actionIndex != actionIndex) continue; if (bindingState.isComposite) continue; var binding = state.GetBinding(i); var controlCount = bindingState.controlCount; var controlStartIndex = bindingState.controlStartIndex; for (var n = 0; n < controlCount; ++n) { var control = state.controls[controlStartIndex + n]; var interactions = StringHelpers.Join(new[] {binding.effectiveInteractions, action.interactions}, ","); var text = control.path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interactions)) { var namesAndParameters = NameAndParameters.ParseMultiple(interactions); text += " ["; text += string.Join(",", namesAndParameters.Select(x => x.name)); text += "]"; } AddChild(item, text, ref id); } } } private TreeViewItem AddChild(TreeViewItem parent, string displayName, ref int id, Texture2D icon = null) { var item = new TreeViewItem { id = id++, depth = parent.depth + 1, displayName = displayName, icon = icon, }; parent.AddChild(item); return item; } private List m_UnsupportedDevices; private List m_EnabledActions = new List(); private class DeviceItem : TreeViewItem { public InputDevice device; } private class UnsupportedDeviceItem : TreeViewItem { public InputDeviceDescription description; } private class ConfigurationItem : TreeViewItem { public string name; } private class LayoutItem : TreeViewItem { public InternedString layoutName; } } } } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR