using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion.Design; using UnityEngine; namespace NodeCanvas.BehaviourTrees { [Name("Action")] [Description("Executes an action and returns Success or Failure when the action is finished.\nReturns Running until the action is finished.")] [ParadoxNotion.Design.Icon("Action")] // [Color("ff6d53")] public class ActionNode : BTNode, ITaskAssignable { [SerializeField] private ActionTask _action; public Task task { get { return action; } set { action = (ActionTask)value; } } public ActionTask action { get { return _action; } set { _action = value; } } public override string name { get { return; } } protected override Status OnExecute(Component agent, IBlackboard blackboard) { if ( action == null ) { return Status.Optional; } if ( status == Status.Resting || status == Status.Running ) { return action.Execute(agent, blackboard); } return status; } protected override void OnReset() { if ( action != null ) { action.EndAction(null); } } public override void OnGraphPaused() { if ( action != null ) { action.Pause(); } } } }