using UnityEngine; using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion.Design; using NavMeshAgent = UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent; namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions { [Category("Movement/Pathfinding")] [Description("Flees away from the target")] public class Flee : ActionTask { [RequiredField, Tooltip("The target to flee from.")] public BBParameter target; [Tooltip("The speed to flee.")] public BBParameter speed = 4f; [Tooltip("The distance to flee at.")] public BBParameter fledDistance = 10f; [Tooltip("A distance to look away from the target for valid flee destination.")] public BBParameter lookAhead = 2f; protected override string info { get { return string.Format("Flee from {0}", target); } } protected override void OnExecute() { if ( target.value == null ) { EndAction(false); return; } agent.speed = speed.value; if ( ( agent.transform.position - target.value.transform.position ).magnitude >= fledDistance.value ) { EndAction(true); return; } } protected override void OnUpdate() { if ( target.value == null ) { EndAction(false); return; } var targetPos = target.value.transform.position; if ( ( agent.transform.position - targetPos ).magnitude >= fledDistance.value ) { EndAction(true); return; } var fleePos = targetPos + ( agent.transform.position - targetPos ).normalized * ( fledDistance.value + lookAhead.value + agent.stoppingDistance ); if ( !agent.SetDestination(fleePos) ) { EndAction(false); } } protected override void OnPause() { OnStop(); } protected override void OnStop() { if ( agent.gameObject.activeSelf ) { agent.ResetPath(); } } } }