using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion; using ParadoxNotion.Design; namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions { [Category("✫ Utility")] [Description("Logs the value of a variable in the console")] [System.Obsolete("Use Debug Log Text")] public class DebugLogVariable : ActionTask { [BlackboardOnly] public BBParameter log; public BBParameter prefix; public float secondsToRun = 1f; public CompactStatus finishStatus = CompactStatus.Success; protected override string info { get { return "Log '" + log + "'" + ( secondsToRun > 0 ? " for " + secondsToRun + " sec." : "" ); } } protected override void OnExecute() { ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger.Log(string.Format("({0}) ({1}) | Var '{2}' = {3}",, prefix.value,, log.value), LogTag.EXECUTION, this); } protected override void OnUpdate() { if ( elapsedTime >= secondsToRun ) { EndAction(finishStatus == CompactStatus.Success ? true : false); } } } }