using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using System.Linq; #if UNITY_VISUAL_SCRIPTING [Unity.VisualScripting.IncludeInSettings(true)] #elif BOLT_VISUAL_SCRIPTING [Ludiq.IncludeInSettings(true)] #endif public class ES3AutoSaveMgr : MonoBehaviour { public static ES3AutoSaveMgr _current = null; public static ES3AutoSaveMgr Current { get { if (_current == null /*|| _current.gameObject.scene != SceneManager.GetActiveScene()*/) { var scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); var roots = scene.GetRootGameObjects(); // First, look for Easy Save 3 Manager in the top-level. foreach (var root in roots) if ( == "Easy Save 3 Manager") return _current = root.GetComponent(); // If the user has moved or renamed the Easy Save 3 Manager, we need to perform a deep search. foreach (var root in roots) if ((_current = root.GetComponentInChildren()) != null) return _current; } return _current; } } public static Dictionary managers = new Dictionary(); // Included for backwards compatibility. public static ES3AutoSaveMgr Instance { get { return Current; } } public enum LoadEvent { None, Awake, Start } public enum SaveEvent { None, OnApplicationQuit, OnApplicationPause } public string key = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); public SaveEvent saveEvent = SaveEvent.OnApplicationQuit; public LoadEvent loadEvent = LoadEvent.Start; public ES3SerializableSettings settings = new ES3SerializableSettings("AutoSave.es3", ES3.Location.Cache); public HashSet autoSaves = new HashSet(); public void Save() { if (autoSaves == null || autoSaves.Count == 0) return; // If we're using caching and we've not already cached this file, cache it. if (settings.location == ES3.Location.Cache && !ES3.FileExists(settings)) ES3.CacheFile(settings); if (autoSaves == null || autoSaves.Count == 0) { ES3.DeleteKey(key, settings); } else { var gameObjects = new List(); foreach (var autoSave in autoSaves) { // If the ES3AutoSave component is disabled, don't save it. if (autoSave != null && autoSave.enabled) gameObjects.Add(autoSave.gameObject); } // Save in the same order as their depth in the hierarchy. ES3.Save(key, gameObjects.OrderBy(x => GetDepth(x.transform)).ToArray(), settings); } if(settings.location == ES3.Location.Cache && ES3.FileExists(settings)) ES3.StoreCachedFile(settings); } public void Load() { try { // If we're using caching and we've not already cached this file, cache it. if (settings.location == ES3.Location.Cache && !ES3.FileExists(settings)) ES3.CacheFile(settings); } catch { } // Ensure that the reference manager for this scene has been initialised. var mgr = ES3ReferenceMgr.GetManagerFromScene(this.gameObject.scene); mgr.Awake(); var gameObjects = ES3.Load(key, new GameObject[0], settings); } void Start() { if(loadEvent == LoadEvent.Start) Load(); } public void Awake() { managers[this.gameObject.scene] = this; GetAutoSaves(); if (loadEvent == LoadEvent.Awake) Load(); } void OnApplicationQuit() { if(saveEvent == SaveEvent.OnApplicationQuit) Save(); } void OnApplicationPause(bool paused) { if( (saveEvent == SaveEvent.OnApplicationPause || (Application.isMobilePlatform && saveEvent == SaveEvent.OnApplicationQuit)) && paused) Save(); } /* Register an ES3AutoSave with the ES3AutoSaveMgr, if there is one */ public static void AddAutoSave(ES3AutoSave autoSave) { if (autoSave == null) return; ES3AutoSaveMgr mgr; if (managers.TryGetValue(autoSave.gameObject.scene, out mgr)) mgr.autoSaves.Add(autoSave); /*if(ES3AutoSaveMgr.Current != null) ES3AutoSaveMgr.Current.autoSaves.Add(autoSave);*/ } /* Remove an ES3AutoSave from the ES3AutoSaveMgr, for example if it's GameObject has been destroyed */ public static void RemoveAutoSave(ES3AutoSave autoSave) { if (autoSave == null) return; ES3AutoSaveMgr mgr; if (managers.TryGetValue(autoSave.gameObject.scene, out mgr)) mgr.autoSaves.Remove(autoSave); /*if (ES3AutoSaveMgr.Current != null) ES3AutoSaveMgr.Current.autoSaves.Remove(autoSave);*/ } /* Gathers all of the ES3AutoSave Components in the scene and registers them with the manager */ public void GetAutoSaves() { autoSaves = new HashSet(); foreach (var go in this.gameObject.scene.GetRootGameObjects()) autoSaves.UnionWith(go.GetComponentsInChildren(true)); } // Gets the depth of a Transform in the hierarchy. static int GetDepth(Transform t) { int depth = 0; while (t.parent != null) { t = t.parent; depth++; } return depth; } }