using ParadoxNotion; using NodeCanvas.Framework; using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; namespace NodeCanvas.DialogueTrees { ///An interface to use for whats being said by a dialogue actor public interface IStatement { string text { get; } AudioClip audio { get; } string meta { get; } } ///Holds data of what's being said usualy by an actor [System.Serializable] public class Statement : IStatement { [SerializeField] private string _text = string.Empty; [SerializeField] private AudioClip _audio; [SerializeField] private string _meta = string.Empty; public string text { get { return _text; } set { _text = value; } } public AudioClip audio { get { return _audio; } set { _audio = value; } } public string meta { get { return _meta; } set { _meta = value; } } //required public Statement() { } public Statement(string text) { this.text = text; } public Statement(string text, AudioClip audio) { this.text = text; = audio; } public Statement(string text, AudioClip audio, string meta) { this.text = text; = audio; this.meta = meta; } ///Replace the text of the statement found in brackets, with blackboard variables ToString and returns a Statement copy public IStatement BlackboardReplace(IBlackboard bb) { var copy = ParadoxNotion.Serialization.JSONSerializer.Clone(this); copy.text = copy.text.ReplaceWithin('[', ']', (input) => { object o = null; if ( bb != null ) { //referenced blackboard replace var v = bb.GetVariable(input, typeof(object)); if ( v != null ) { o = v.value; } } if ( input.Contains("/") ) { //global blackboard replace var globalBB = GlobalBlackboard.Find(input.Split('/').First()); if ( globalBB != null ) { var v = globalBB.GetVariable(input.Split('/').Last(), typeof(object)); if ( v != null ) { o = v.value; } } } return o != null ? o.ToString() : input; }); return copy; } public override string ToString() { return text; } } }