using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion; namespace NodeCanvas.DialogueTrees { [AddComponentMenu("NodeCanvas/Dialogue Tree Controller")] public class DialogueTreeController : GraphOwner, IDialogueActor { string => name; Texture2D IDialogueActor.portrait => null; Sprite IDialogueActor.portraitSprite => null; Color IDialogueActor.dialogueColor => Color.white; Vector3 IDialogueActor.dialoguePosition =>; Transform IDialogueActor.transform => transform; ///Start the DialogueTree without an Instigator public void StartDialogue() { StartDialogue(this, null); } ///Start the DialogueTree with a callback for when its finished public void StartDialogue(Action callback) { StartDialogue(this, callback); } ///Start the DialogueTree with provided actor as Instigator public void StartDialogue(IDialogueActor instigator) { StartDialogue(instigator, null); } ///Assign a new DialogueTree and Start it public void StartDialogue(DialogueTree newTree, IDialogueActor instigator, Action callback) { graph = newTree; StartDialogue(instigator, callback); } ///Start the already assgined DialogueTree with provided actor as instigator and callback public void StartDialogue(IDialogueActor instigator, Action callback) { graph = GetInstance(graph); graph.StartGraph(instigator is Component ? (Component)instigator : instigator.transform, blackboard, updateMode, callback); } ///Pause the DialogueTree public void PauseDialogue() { graph.Pause(); } ///Stop the DialogueTree public void StopDialogue() { graph.Stop(); } ///Set an actor reference by parameter name public void SetActorReference(string paramName, IDialogueActor actor) { if ( behaviour != null ) { behaviour.SetActorReference(paramName, actor); } } ///Set all actor reference parameters at once public void SetActorReferences(Dictionary actors) { if ( behaviour != null ) { behaviour.SetActorReferences(actors); } } ///Get the actor reference by parameter name public IDialogueActor GetActorReferenceByName(string paramName) { return behaviour != null ? behaviour.GetActorReferenceByName(paramName) : null; } ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///---------------------------------------UNITY EDITOR------------------------------------------- #if UNITY_EDITOR new void Reset() { base.enableAction = EnableAction.DoNothing; base.disableAction = DisableAction.DoNothing; blackboard = gameObject.GetAddComponent(); SetBoundGraphReference(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance()); } #endif } }