using System.Reflection; using System.Linq; using NodeCanvas.Framework; using NodeCanvas.Framework.Internal; using ParadoxNotion; using ParadoxNotion.Design; using UnityEngine; namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions { [Name("Implemented Action (Desktop Only)", 9)] [Category("✫ Reflected/Faster Versions (Desktop Platforms Only)")] [Description("This version works in destop/JIT platform only.\n\nCalls a function that has signature of 'public Status NAME()' or 'public Status NAME(T)'. You should return Status.Success, Failure or Running within that function.")] public class ImplementedAction : ActionTask, IReflectedWrapper { [SerializeField] protected ReflectedFunctionWrapper functionWrapper; private Status actionStatus = Status.Resting; private MethodInfo targetMethod { get { return functionWrapper != null ? functionWrapper.GetMethod() : null; } } public override System.Type agentType { get { if ( targetMethod == null ) { return typeof(Transform); } return targetMethod.IsStatic ? null : targetMethod.RTReflectedOrDeclaredType(); } } protected override string info { get { if ( functionWrapper == null ) { return "No Action Selected"; } if ( targetMethod == null ) { return functionWrapper.AsString().FormatError(); } var mInfo = targetMethod.IsStatic ? targetMethod.RTReflectedOrDeclaredType().FriendlyName() : agentInfo; return string.Format("[ {0}.{1}({2}) ]", mInfo, targetMethod.Name, functionWrapper.GetVariables().Length == 2 ? functionWrapper.GetVariables()[1].ToString() : ""); } } ParadoxNotion.Serialization.ISerializedReflectedInfo IReflectedWrapper.GetSerializedInfo() { return functionWrapper?.GetSerializedMethod(); } public override void OnValidate(ITaskSystem ownerSystem) { if ( functionWrapper != null && functionWrapper.HasChanged() ) { SetMethod(functionWrapper.GetMethod()); } } protected override string OnInit() { if ( targetMethod == null ) { return "Missing Method"; } try { functionWrapper.Init(targetMethod.IsStatic ? null : agent); return null; } catch { return "ImplementedAction Error"; } } protected override void OnUpdate() { if ( functionWrapper == null ) { EndAction(false); return; } actionStatus = (Status)functionWrapper.Call(); if ( actionStatus == Status.Success ) { EndAction(true); return; } if ( actionStatus == Status.Failure ) { EndAction(false); return; } } protected override void OnStop() { actionStatus = Status.Resting; } void SetMethod(MethodInfo method) { if ( method != null ) { UndoUtility.RecordObject(ownerSystem.contextObject, "Set Reflection Member"); functionWrapper = ReflectedFunctionWrapper.Create(method, blackboard); } } ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///---------------------------------------UNITY EDITOR------------------------------------------- #if UNITY_EDITOR protected override void OnTaskInspectorGUI() { if ( !Application.isPlaying && GUILayout.Button("Select Action Method") ) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); if ( agent != null ) { foreach ( var comp in agent.GetComponents(typeof(Component)).Where(c => !c.hideFlags.HasFlag(HideFlags.HideInInspector)) ) { menu = EditorUtils.GetInstanceMethodSelectionMenu(comp.GetType(), typeof(Status), typeof(object), SetMethod, 1, false, true, menu); } menu.AddSeparator("/"); } foreach ( var t in TypePrefs.GetPreferedTypesList(typeof(object)) ) { menu = EditorUtils.GetStaticMethodSelectionMenu(t, typeof(Status), typeof(object), SetMethod, 1, false, true, menu); if ( typeof(UnityEngine.Component).IsAssignableFrom(t) ) { menu = EditorUtils.GetInstanceMethodSelectionMenu(t, typeof(Status), typeof(object), SetMethod, 1, false, true, menu); } } menu.ShowAsBrowser("Select Action Method", this.GetType()); Event.current.Use(); } if ( targetMethod != null ) { GUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Type", targetMethod.RTReflectedOrDeclaredType().FriendlyName()); UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Selected Action Method:", targetMethod.Name); GUILayout.EndVertical(); if ( targetMethod.GetParameters().Length == 1 ) { var paramName = targetMethod.GetParameters()[0].Name.SplitCamelCase(); NodeCanvas.Editor.BBParameterEditor.ParameterField(paramName, functionWrapper.GetVariables()[1]); } } } #endif } }