using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion; using ParadoxNotion.Design; using ParadoxNotion.Services; using UnityEngine; namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Actions { [Name("Debug Log")] [Category("✫ Utility")] [Description("Display a UI label on the agent's position if seconds to run is not 0 and also logs the message, which can also be mapped to any variable.")] public class DebugLogText : ActionTask { public enum LogMode { Log, Warning, Error } public enum VerboseMode { LogAndDisplayLabel, LogOnly, DisplayLabelOnly, } [RequiredField] public BBParameter log = "Hello World"; public float labelYOffset = 0; public float secondsToRun = 1f; public VerboseMode verboseMode; public LogMode logMode; public CompactStatus finishStatus = CompactStatus.Success; protected override string info { get { return "Log " + log.ToString() + ( secondsToRun > 0 ? " for " + secondsToRun + " sec." : "" ); } } protected override void OnExecute() { if ( verboseMode == VerboseMode.LogAndDisplayLabel || verboseMode == VerboseMode.LogOnly ) { var label = string.Format("({0}) {1}",, log.value); if ( logMode == LogMode.Log ) { ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger.Log(label, LogTag.EXECUTION, this); } if ( logMode == LogMode.Warning ) { ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger.LogWarning(label, LogTag.EXECUTION, this); } if ( logMode == LogMode.Error ) { ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger.LogError(label, LogTag.EXECUTION, this); } } if ( verboseMode == VerboseMode.LogAndDisplayLabel || verboseMode == VerboseMode.DisplayLabelOnly ) { if ( secondsToRun > 0 ) { MonoManager.current.onGUI += OnGUI; } } } protected override void OnStop() { if ( verboseMode == VerboseMode.LogAndDisplayLabel || verboseMode == VerboseMode.DisplayLabelOnly ) { if ( secondsToRun > 0 ) { MonoManager.current.onGUI -= OnGUI; } } } protected override void OnUpdate() { if ( elapsedTime >= secondsToRun ) { EndAction(finishStatus == CompactStatus.Success ? true : false); } } ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///---------------------------------------UNITY EDITOR------------------------------------------- void OnGUI() { if ( Camera.main == null ) { return; } var point = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(agent.position + new Vector3(0, labelYOffset, 0)); var size = GUIContent(log.value)); var r = new Rect(point.x - size.x / 2, Screen.height - point.y, size.x + 10, size.y); GUI.color = Color.white.WithAlpha(0.5f); GUI.DrawTexture(r, Texture2D.whiteTexture); GUI.color = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); r.x += 4; GUI.Label(r, log.value); GUI.color = Color.white; } } }