using NodeCanvas.Framework; using ParadoxNotion.Design; using UnityEngine; namespace NodeCanvas.Tasks.Conditions { [Category("GameObject")] [Description("A combination of line of sight and view angle check")] public class CanSeeTarget2D : ConditionTask { [RequiredField] public BBParameter target; [Tooltip("Distance within which to look out for.")] public BBParameter maxDistance = 50; [Tooltip("A layer mask to use for the line of sight check.")] public BBParameter layerMask = (LayerMask)( -1 ); [Tooltip("Distance within which the target can be seen (or rather sensed) regardless of view angle.")] public BBParameter awarnessDistance = 0f; [SliderField(1, 180)] public BBParameter viewAngle = 70f; public Vector2 offset; private RaycastHit2D hit; protected override string info { get { return "Can See " + target; } } protected override bool OnCheck() { var t = target.value.transform; if ( !t.gameObject.activeInHierarchy ) { return false; } if ( Vector2.Distance(agent.position, t.position) <= awarnessDistance.value ) { var hit = Physics2D.Linecast((Vector2)agent.position + offset, (Vector2)t.position + offset, layerMask.value); if ( hit.collider != t.GetComponent() ) { return false; } return true; } if ( Vector2.Distance(agent.position, t.position) > maxDistance.value ) { return false; } if ( Vector2.Angle((Vector2)t.position - (Vector2)agent.position, agent.right) > viewAngle.value ) { return false; } var hit2 = Physics2D.Linecast((Vector2)agent.position + offset, (Vector2)t.position + offset, layerMask.value); if ( hit2.collider != t.GetComponent() ) { return false; } return true; } public override void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if ( agent != null ) { Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector2)agent.position, (Vector2)agent.position + offset); Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector2)agent.position + offset, (Vector2)agent.position + offset + ( (Vector2)agent.right * maxDistance.value )); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere((Vector2)agent.position + offset + ( (Vector2)agent.right * maxDistance.value ), 0.1f); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere((Vector2)agent.position, awarnessDistance.value); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS((Vector2)agent.position + offset, Quaternion.LookRotation(agent.right),; Gizmos.DrawFrustum(, viewAngle.value, 5, 0, 1f); } } } }