#if UNITY_EDITOR using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; using UnityEngine.Profiling; ////TODO: make control values editable (create state events from UI and pump them into the system) ////TODO: show processors attached to controls ////TODO: make controls that have different `value` and `previous` in bold namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor { // Multi-column TreeView that shows control tree of device. internal class InputControlTreeView : TreeView { // If this is set, the controls won't display their current value but we'll // show their state data from this buffer instead. public byte[] stateBuffer; public byte[][] multipleStateBuffers; public bool showDifferentOnly; public static InputControlTreeView Create(InputControl rootControl, int numValueColumns, ref TreeViewState treeState, ref MultiColumnHeaderState headerState) { if (treeState == null) treeState = new TreeViewState(); var newHeaderState = CreateHeaderState(numValueColumns); if (headerState != null) MultiColumnHeaderState.OverwriteSerializedFields(headerState, newHeaderState); headerState = newHeaderState; var header = new MultiColumnHeader(headerState); return new InputControlTreeView(rootControl, treeState, header); } public void RefreshControlValues() { foreach (var item in GetRows()) if (item is ControlItem controlItem) ReadState(controlItem.control, ref controlItem); } private const float kRowHeight = 20f; private enum ColumnId { Name, DisplayName, Layout, Type, Format, Offset, Bit, Size, Optimized, Value, COUNT } private InputControl m_RootControl; private static MultiColumnHeaderState CreateHeaderState(int numValueColumns) { var columns = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column[(int)ColumnId.COUNT + numValueColumns - 1]; columns[(int)ColumnId.Name] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column { width = 180, minWidth = 60, headerContent = new GUIContent("Name") }; columns[(int)ColumnId.DisplayName] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column { width = 160, minWidth = 60, headerContent = new GUIContent("Display Name") }; columns[(int)ColumnId.Layout] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column { width = 100, minWidth = 60, headerContent = new GUIContent("Layout") }; columns[(int)ColumnId.Type] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column { width = 100, minWidth = 60, headerContent = new GUIContent("Type") }; columns[(int)ColumnId.Format] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column {headerContent = new GUIContent("Format")}; columns[(int)ColumnId.Offset] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column {headerContent = new GUIContent("Offset")}; columns[(int)ColumnId.Bit] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column {width = 40, headerContent = new GUIContent("Bit")}; columns[(int)ColumnId.Size] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column {headerContent = new GUIContent("Size (Bits)")}; columns[(int)ColumnId.Optimized] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column {headerContent = new GUIContent("Optimized")}; if (numValueColumns == 1) { columns[(int)ColumnId.Value] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column {width = 120, headerContent = new GUIContent("Value")}; } else { for (var i = 0; i < numValueColumns; ++i) columns[(int)ColumnId.Value + i] = new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column { width = 100, headerContent = new GUIContent("Value " + (char)('A' + i)) }; } return new MultiColumnHeaderState(columns); } private InputControlTreeView(InputControl root, TreeViewState state, MultiColumnHeader header) : base(state, header) { m_RootControl = root; showBorder = false; rowHeight = kRowHeight; } protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot() { Profiler.BeginSample("BuildControlTree"); var id = 1; // Build tree from control down the control hierarchy. var rootItem = BuildControlTreeRecursive(m_RootControl, 0, ref id); Profiler.EndSample(); // Wrap root control in invisible item required by TreeView. return new TreeViewItem { id = 0, children = new List {rootItem}, depth = -1 }; } private ControlItem BuildControlTreeRecursive(InputControl control, int depth, ref int id) { // Build children. List children = null; var isLeaf = control.children.Count == 0; if (!isLeaf) { children = new List(); foreach (var child in control.children) { var childItem = BuildControlTreeRecursive(child, depth + 1, ref id); if (childItem != null) children.Add(childItem); } // If none of our children returned an item, none of their data is different, // so if we are supposed to show only controls that differ in value, we're sitting // on a branch that has no changes. Cull the branch except if we're all the way // at the root (we want to have at least one item). if (children.Count == 0 && showDifferentOnly && depth != 0) return null; // Sort children by name. children.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.displayName, b.displayName)); } // Compute offset. Offsets on the controls are absolute. Make them relative to the // root control. var controlOffset = control.stateBlock.byteOffset; var rootOffset = m_RootControl.stateBlock.byteOffset; var offset = controlOffset - rootOffset; // Read state. var item = new ControlItem { id = id++, control = control, depth = depth, children = children }; ////TODO: come up with nice icons depicting different control types if (!ReadState(control, ref item)) return null; if (children != null) { foreach (var child in children) child.parent = item; } return item; } private bool ReadState(InputControl control, ref ControlItem item) { // Compute offset. Offsets on the controls are absolute. Make them relative to the // root control. var controlOffset = control.stateBlock.byteOffset; var rootOffset = m_RootControl.stateBlock.byteOffset; var offset = controlOffset - rootOffset; item.displayName = control.name; item.layout = new GUIContent(control.layout); item.format = new GUIContent(control.stateBlock.format.ToString()); item.offset = new GUIContent(offset.ToString()); item.bit = new GUIContent(control.stateBlock.bitOffset.ToString()); item.sizeInBits = new GUIContent(control.stateBlock.sizeInBits.ToString()); item.type = new GUIContent(control.GetType().Name); item.optimized = new GUIContent(control.optimizedControlDataType != InputStateBlock.kFormatInvalid ? "+" : "-"); try { if (stateBuffer != null) { var text = ReadRawValueAsString(control, stateBuffer); if (text != null) item.value = new GUIContent(text); } else if (multipleStateBuffers != null) { var valueStrings = multipleStateBuffers.Select(x => ReadRawValueAsString(control, x)); if (showDifferentOnly && control.children.Count == 0 && valueStrings.Distinct().Count() == 1) return false; item.values = valueStrings.Select(x => x != null ? new GUIContent(x) : null).ToArray(); } else { var valueObject = control.ReadValueAsObject(); if (valueObject != null) item.value = new GUIContent(valueObject.ToString()); } } catch (Exception exception) { // If we fail to read a value, swallow it so we don't fail completely // showing anything from the device. item.value = new GUIContent(exception.ToString()); } return true; } protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args) { var item = (ControlItem)args.item; var columnCount = args.GetNumVisibleColumns(); for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i) { ColumnGUI(args.GetCellRect(i), item, args.GetColumn(i), ref args); } } private void ColumnGUI(Rect cellRect, ControlItem item, int column, ref RowGUIArgs args) { CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect); switch (column) { case (int)ColumnId.Name: args.rowRect = cellRect; base.RowGUI(args); break; case (int)ColumnId.DisplayName: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.control.displayName); break; case (int)ColumnId.Layout: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.layout); break; case (int)ColumnId.Format: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.format); break; case (int)ColumnId.Offset: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.offset); break; case (int)ColumnId.Bit: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.bit); break; case (int)ColumnId.Size: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.sizeInBits); break; case (int)ColumnId.Type: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.type); break; case (int)ColumnId.Optimized: GUI.Label(cellRect, item.optimized); break; case (int)ColumnId.Value: if (item.value != null) GUI.Label(cellRect, item.value); else if (item.values != null && item.values[0] != null) GUI.Label(cellRect, item.values[0]); break; default: var valueIndex = column - (int)ColumnId.Value; if (item.values != null && item.values[valueIndex] != null) GUI.Label(cellRect, item.values[valueIndex]); break; } } private unsafe string ReadRawValueAsString(InputControl control, byte[] state) { fixed(byte* statePtr = state) { var ptr = statePtr - m_RootControl.m_StateBlock.byteOffset; return control.ReadValueFromStateAsObject(ptr).ToString(); } } private class ControlItem : TreeViewItem { public InputControl control; public GUIContent layout; public GUIContent format; public GUIContent offset; public GUIContent bit; public GUIContent sizeInBits; public GUIContent type; public GUIContent optimized; public GUIContent value; public GUIContent[] values; } } } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR