// ENABLE_VR is not defined on Game Core but the assembly is available with limited features when the XR module is enabled.
// Docs generation is skipped because these are intended to be replaced with the com.unity.xr.oculus package.
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR;
namespace Unity.XR.Oculus.Input
/// An Oculus VR headset (such as the Oculus Rift series of devices).
[InputControlLayout(displayName = "Oculus Headset", hideInUI = true)]
public class OculusHMD : XRHMD
[InputControl(name = "trackingState", layout = "Integer", aliases = new[] { "devicetrackingstate" })]
[InputControl(name = "isTracked", layout = "Button", aliases = new[] { "deviceistracked" })]
public ButtonControl userPresence { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control deviceAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control deviceAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control deviceAngularAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control leftEyeAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control leftEyeAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control leftEyeAngularAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control rightEyeAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control rightEyeAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control rightEyeAngularAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control centerEyeAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control centerEyeAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control centerEyeAngularAcceleration { get; protected set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
userPresence = GetChildControl("userPresence");
deviceAngularVelocity = GetChildControl("deviceAngularVelocity");
deviceAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAcceleration");
deviceAngularAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAngularAcceleration");
leftEyeAngularVelocity = GetChildControl("leftEyeAngularVelocity");
leftEyeAcceleration = GetChildControl("leftEyeAcceleration");
leftEyeAngularAcceleration = GetChildControl("leftEyeAngularAcceleration");
rightEyeAngularVelocity = GetChildControl("rightEyeAngularVelocity");
rightEyeAcceleration = GetChildControl("rightEyeAcceleration");
rightEyeAngularAcceleration = GetChildControl("rightEyeAngularAcceleration");
centerEyeAngularVelocity = GetChildControl("centerEyeAngularVelocity");
centerEyeAcceleration = GetChildControl("centerEyeAcceleration");
centerEyeAngularAcceleration = GetChildControl("centerEyeAngularAcceleration");
/// An Oculus Touch controller.
[InputControlLayout(displayName = "Oculus Touch Controller", commonUsages = new[] { "LeftHand", "RightHand" }, hideInUI = true)]
public class OculusTouchController : XRControllerWithRumble
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "Primary2DAxis", "Joystick" })]
public Vector2Control thumbstick { get; protected set; }
public AxisControl trigger { get; protected set; }
public AxisControl grip { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "A", "X", "Alternate" })]
public ButtonControl primaryButton { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "B", "Y", "Primary" })]
public ButtonControl secondaryButton { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "GripButton" })]
public ButtonControl gripPressed { get; protected set; }
public ButtonControl start { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "JoystickOrPadPressed", "thumbstickClick" })]
public ButtonControl thumbstickClicked { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "ATouched", "XTouched", "ATouch", "XTouch" })]
public ButtonControl primaryTouched { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "BTouched", "YTouched", "BTouch", "YTouch" })]
public ButtonControl secondaryTouched { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "indexTouch", "indexNearTouched" })]
public AxisControl triggerTouched { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "indexButton", "indexTouched" })]
public ButtonControl triggerPressed { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "JoystickOrPadTouched", "thumbstickTouch" })]
[InputControl(name = "trackingState", layout = "Integer", aliases = new[] { "controllerTrackingState" })]
[InputControl(name = "isTracked", layout = "Button", aliases = new[] { "ControllerIsTracked" })]
[InputControl(name = "devicePosition", layout = "Vector3", aliases = new[] { "controllerPosition" })]
[InputControl(name = "deviceRotation", layout = "Quaternion", aliases = new[] { "controllerRotation" })]
public ButtonControl thumbstickTouched { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true, aliases = new[] { "controllerVelocity" })]
public Vector3Control deviceVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true, aliases = new[] { "controllerAngularVelocity" })]
public Vector3Control deviceAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true, aliases = new[] { "controllerAcceleration" })]
public Vector3Control deviceAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true, aliases = new[] { "controllerAngularAcceleration" })]
public Vector3Control deviceAngularAcceleration { get; protected set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
thumbstick = GetChildControl("thumbstick");
trigger = GetChildControl("trigger");
triggerTouched = GetChildControl("triggerTouched");
grip = GetChildControl("grip");
primaryButton = GetChildControl("primaryButton");
secondaryButton = GetChildControl("secondaryButton");
gripPressed = GetChildControl("gripPressed");
start = GetChildControl("start");
thumbstickClicked = GetChildControl("thumbstickClicked");
primaryTouched = GetChildControl("primaryTouched");
secondaryTouched = GetChildControl("secondaryTouched");
thumbstickTouched = GetChildControl("thumbstickTouched");
triggerPressed = GetChildControl("triggerPressed");
deviceVelocity = GetChildControl("deviceVelocity");
deviceAngularVelocity = GetChildControl("deviceAngularVelocity");
deviceAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAcceleration");
deviceAngularAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAngularAcceleration");
public class OculusTrackingReference : TrackedDevice
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "trackingReferenceTrackingState" })]
public new IntegerControl trackingState { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "trackingReferenceIsTracked" })]
public new ButtonControl isTracked { get; protected set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
trackingState = GetChildControl("trackingState");
isTracked = GetChildControl("isTracked");
/// An Oculus Remote controller.
[InputControlLayout(displayName = "Oculus Remote", hideInUI = true)]
public class OculusRemote : InputDevice
public ButtonControl back { get; protected set; }
public ButtonControl start { get; protected set; }
public Vector2Control touchpad { get; protected set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
back = GetChildControl("back");
start = GetChildControl("start");
touchpad = GetChildControl("touchpad");
/// A Standalone VR headset that includes on-headset controls.
[InputControlLayout(displayName = "Oculus Headset (w/ on-headset controls)", hideInUI = true)]
public class OculusHMDExtended : OculusHMD
public ButtonControl back { get; protected set; }
public Vector2Control touchpad { get; protected set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
back = GetChildControl("back");
touchpad = GetChildControl("touchpad");
/// A Gear VR controller.
[InputControlLayout(displayName = "GearVR Controller", commonUsages = new[] { "LeftHand", "RightHand" }, hideInUI = true)]
public class GearVRTrackedController : XRController
public Vector2Control touchpad { get; protected set; }
public AxisControl trigger { get; protected set; }
public ButtonControl back { get; protected set; }
public ButtonControl triggerPressed { get; protected set; }
public ButtonControl touchpadClicked { get; protected set; }
public ButtonControl touchpadTouched { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control deviceAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control deviceAcceleration { get; protected set; }
[InputControl(noisy = true)]
public Vector3Control deviceAngularAcceleration { get; protected set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
touchpad = GetChildControl("touchpad");
trigger = GetChildControl("trigger");
back = GetChildControl("back");
triggerPressed = GetChildControl("triggerPressed");
touchpadClicked = GetChildControl("touchpadClicked");
touchpadTouched = GetChildControl("touchpadTouched");
deviceAngularVelocity = GetChildControl("deviceAngularVelocity");
deviceAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAcceleration");
deviceAngularAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAngularAcceleration");