using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.UI; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; #endif public class UIvsGameInputHandler : MonoBehaviour { public Text statusBarText; public GameObject inGameUI; public GameObject mainMenuUI; public GameObject menuButton; public GameObject firstButtonInMainMenu; public GameObject firstNavigationSelection; [Space] public PlayerInput playerInput; public GameObject projectile; [Space] [Tooltip("Multiplier for values when adding to rotation.")] public float m_MouseLookSensitivity = 0.1f; [Tooltip("Rotation per second with fully actuated Gamepad/joystick stick.")] public float m_GamepadLookSpeed = 10f; private bool m_OpenMenuActionTriggered; private bool m_ResetCameraActionTriggered; private bool m_FireActionTriggered; internal bool m_UIEngaged; private Vector2 m_Rotation; private InputAction m_LookEngageAction; private InputAction m_LookAction; private InputAction m_CancelAction; private InputAction m_UIEngageAction; private GameObject m_LastNavigationSelection; private Mouse m_Mouse; private Vector2? m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock; internal enum State { InGame, InGameControllingCamera, InMenu, } internal State m_State; internal enum ControlStyle { None, KeyboardMouse, Touch, GamepadJoystick, } internal ControlStyle m_ControlStyle; public void OnEnable() { // By default, hide menu and show game UI. inGameUI.SetActive(true); mainMenuUI.SetActive(false); menuButton.SetActive(false); // Look up InputActions on the player so we don't have to do this over and over. m_LookEngageAction = playerInput.actions["LookEngage"]; m_LookAction = playerInput.actions["Look"]; m_CancelAction = playerInput.actions["UI/Cancel"]; m_UIEngageAction = playerInput.actions["UIEngage"]; m_State = State.InGame; } // This is called when PlayerInput updates the controls bound to its InputActions. public void OnControlsChanged() { // We could determine the types of controls we have from the names of the control schemes or their // contents. However, a way that is both easier and more robust is to simply look at the kind of // devices we have assigned to us. We do not support mixed models this way but this does correspond // to the limitations of the current control code. if (playerInput.GetDevice() != null) // Note that Touchscreen is also a Pointer so check this first. m_ControlStyle = ControlStyle.Touch; else if (playerInput.GetDevice() != null) m_ControlStyle = ControlStyle.KeyboardMouse; else if (playerInput.GetDevice() != null || playerInput.GetDevice() != null) m_ControlStyle = ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick; else Debug.LogError("Control scheme not recognized: " + playerInput.currentControlScheme); m_Mouse = default; m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock = default; // Enable button for main menu depending on whether we use touch or not. // With kb&mouse and gamepad, not necessary but with touch, we have no "Cancel" control. menuButton.SetActive(m_ControlStyle == ControlStyle.Touch); // If we're using navigation-style input, start with UI control disengaged. if (m_ControlStyle == ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick) SetUIEngaged(false); RepaintInspector(); } public void Update() { switch (m_State) { case State.InGame: { if (m_OpenMenuActionTriggered) { m_State = State.InMenu; // Bring up main menu. inGameUI.SetActive(false); mainMenuUI.SetActive(true); // Disable gameplay inputs. playerInput.DeactivateInput(); // Select topmost button. EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(firstButtonInMainMenu); } var pointerIsOverUI = IsPointerOverUI(); if (pointerIsOverUI) break; if (m_ResetCameraActionTriggered) transform.rotation = default; // When using a pointer-based control scheme, we engage camera look explicitly. if (m_ControlStyle != ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick && m_LookEngageAction.WasPressedThisFrame() && IsPointerInsideScreen()) EngageCameraControl(); // With gamepad/joystick, we can freely rotate the camera at any time. if (m_ControlStyle == ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick) ProcessCameraLook(); if (m_FireActionTriggered) Fire(); break; } case State.InGameControllingCamera: if (m_ResetCameraActionTriggered && !IsPointerOverUI()) transform.rotation = default; if (m_FireActionTriggered && !IsPointerOverUI()) Fire(); // Rotate camera. ProcessCameraLook(); // Keep track of distance we travel with the mouse while in mouse lock so // that when we unlock, we can jump to a position that feels "right". if (m_Mouse != null) m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock = m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock.Value +; if (m_CancelAction.WasPressedThisFrame() || !m_LookEngageAction.IsPressed()) DisengageCameraControl(); break; case State.InMenu: if (m_CancelAction.WasPressedThisFrame()) OnContinueClicked(); break; } m_ResetCameraActionTriggered = default; m_OpenMenuActionTriggered = default; m_FireActionTriggered = default; } private void ProcessCameraLook() { var rotate = m_LookAction.ReadValue(); if (!(rotate.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)) return; // For gamepad and joystick, we rotate continuously based on stick actuation. float rotateScaleFactor; if (m_ControlStyle == ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick) rotateScaleFactor = m_GamepadLookSpeed * Time.deltaTime; else rotateScaleFactor = m_MouseLookSensitivity; m_Rotation.y += rotate.x * rotateScaleFactor; m_Rotation.x = Mathf.Clamp(m_Rotation.x - rotate.y * rotateScaleFactor, -89, 89); transform.localEulerAngles = m_Rotation; } private void EngageCameraControl() { // With a mouse, it's annoying to always end up with the pointer centered in the middle of // the screen after we come out of a cursor lock. So, what we do is we simply remember where // the cursor was when we locked and then warp the mouse back to that position after the cursor // lock is released. m_Mouse = playerInput.GetDevice(); m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock = m_Mouse?.position.ReadValue(); Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; m_State = State.InGameControllingCamera; RepaintInspector(); } private void DisengageCameraControl() { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; if (m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock != null) m_Mouse?.WarpCursorPosition(m_MousePositionToWarpToAfterCursorUnlock.Value); m_State = State.InGame; RepaintInspector(); } public void OnTopLeftClicked() { statusBarText.text = "'Top Left' button clicked"; } public void OnBottomLeftClicked() { statusBarText.text = "'Bottom Left' button clicked"; } public void OnTopRightClicked() { statusBarText.text = "'Top Right' button clicked"; } public void OnBottomRightClicked() { statusBarText.text = "'Bottom Right' button clicked"; } public void OnMenuClicked() { m_OpenMenuActionTriggered = true; } public void OnContinueClicked() { mainMenuUI.SetActive(false); inGameUI.SetActive(true); // Reenable gameplay inputs. playerInput.ActivateInput(); m_State = State.InGame; RepaintInspector(); } public void OnExitClicked() { #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorApplication.ExitPlaymode(); #else Application.Quit(); #endif } public void OnMenu(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (context.performed) m_OpenMenuActionTriggered = true; } public void OnResetCamera(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (context.performed) m_ResetCameraActionTriggered = true; } public void OnUIEngage(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (!context.performed) return; // From here, we could also do things such as showing UI that we only // have up while the UI is engaged. For example, the same approach as // here could be used to display a radial selection dials for items. SetUIEngaged(!m_UIEngaged); } private void SetUIEngaged(bool value) { if (value) { playerInput.actions.FindActionMap("UI").Enable(); SetPlayerActionsEnabled(false); // Select the GO that was selected last time. if (m_LastNavigationSelection == null) m_LastNavigationSelection = firstNavigationSelection; EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(m_LastNavigationSelection); } else { m_LastNavigationSelection = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject; // If this happens to be null, we will automatically pick up firstNavigationSelection again. EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(null); playerInput.actions.FindActionMap("UI").Disable(); SetPlayerActionsEnabled(true); } m_UIEngaged = value; RepaintInspector(); } // Enable/disable every in-game action other than the UI toggle. private void SetPlayerActionsEnabled(bool value) { var actions = playerInput.actions.FindActionMap("Player"); foreach (var action in actions) { if (action == m_UIEngageAction) continue; if (value) action.Enable(); else action.Disable(); } } // There's two different approaches taken here. The first OnFire() just does the same as the action // callbacks above and just sets some state to leave action responses to Update(). // The second OnFire() puts the response logic directly inside the callback. #if false public void OnFire(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (context.performed) m_FireActionTriggered = true; } #else public void OnFire(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { // For this action, let's try something different. Let's say we want to trigger a response // right away every time the "fire" action triggers. Theoretically, this would allow us // to correctly respond even if there is multiple activations in a single frame. In practice, // this will realistically only happen with low framerates (and even then it can be questionable // whether we want to respond this way). if (!context.performed) return; var device = playerInput.GetDevice(); if (device != null && IsRaycastHittingUIObject(device.position.ReadValue())) return; Fire(); } // Can't use IsPointerOverGameObject() from within InputAction callbacks as the UI won't update // until after input processing is complete. So, need to explicitly raycast here. // NOTE: This is not something we'd want to do from a high-frequency action. If, for example, this // is called from an action bound to `/position`, there will be an immense amount of // raycasts performed per frame. private bool IsRaycastHittingUIObject(Vector2 position) { if (m_PointerData == null) m_PointerData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current); m_PointerData.position = position; EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(m_PointerData, m_RaycastResults); return m_RaycastResults.Count > 0; } private PointerEventData m_PointerData; private List m_RaycastResults = new List(); #endif private bool IsPointerOverUI() { // If we're not controlling the UI with a pointer, we can early out of this. if (m_ControlStyle == ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick) return false; // Otherwise, check if the primary pointer is currently over a UI object. return EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(); } ////REVIEW: check this together with the focus PR; ideally, the code here should not be necessary private bool IsPointerInsideScreen() { var pointer = playerInput.GetDevice(); if (pointer == null) return true; return Screen.safeArea.Contains(pointer.position.ReadValue()); } private void Fire() { var transform = this.transform; var newProjectile = Instantiate(projectile); newProjectile.transform.position = transform.position + transform.forward * 0.6f; newProjectile.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; const int kSize = 1; newProjectile.transform.localScale *= kSize; newProjectile.GetComponent().mass = Mathf.Pow(kSize, 3); newProjectile.GetComponent().AddForce(transform.forward * 20f, ForceMode.Impulse); newProjectile.GetComponent().material.color = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, 1.0f); } private void RepaintInspector() { // We have a custom inspector below that prints some debugging information for internal state. // When we change state, this will not result in an automatic repaint of the inspector as Unity // doesn't know about the change. // // We thus manually force a refresh. There's more elegant ways to do this but the easiest by // far is to just globally force a repaint of the entire editor window. #if UNITY_EDITOR InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); #endif } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [CustomEditor(typeof(UIvsGameInputHandler))] internal class UIvsGameInputHandlerEditor : Editor { public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Debug"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope()) { var state = ((UIvsGameInputHandler)target).m_State; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("State", state.ToString()); var style = ((UIvsGameInputHandler)target).m_ControlStyle; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Controls", style.ToString()); if (style == UIvsGameInputHandler.ControlStyle.GamepadJoystick) { var uiEngaged = ((UIvsGameInputHandler)target).m_UIEngaged; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("UI Engaged?", uiEngaged ? "Yes" : "No"); } } } } } #endif